If you have genuine reasons why you can’t make it to the workplace, then it’s not a bad thing, and you shouldn’t avoid the conversation and prolong the process. If you give excuses for missing work often, however, your boss may get fed up with your reasons if they’re not genuine. For example, if a close family friend passes away and the funeral is held during your regular working hours, you may need to take time off work.

  • In this case, it’s crucial to prioritize your health and reduce the risk of infecting your coworkers by staying at home.
  • Most employers understand the importance of these milestones and will accommodate your request.
  • These emergencies can include anything from a flooded basement, a car accident, or a fire in your home.
  • You’re sick, or you’re having car trouble or in the middle of a major family emergency.

Accidents are, unfortunately, a part of life, and these can happen to anyone. If you want to use this excuse, it’s enough to say that an accident occurred. The time of delivery is not sure, so you need to be present all day at home.

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These may include working for more hours once you’re back to work or even working from home. If a meeting is to be held, you may tell them you’ll get https://remotemode.net/blog/10-valid-reasons-to-call-out-of-work/ notes from a colleague to ensure you don’t miss important information. Many facilities, including medical facilities, operate during regular hours.

valid reasons to miss work

Don’t wait, be honest, ask other team members to step in, and keep your employer posted when you say you will miss work. Before telling your employer you need some time off work, check their policy first. Their approach helps you know what is acceptable and expected of you regarding being absent from work. Getting to work can be impossible if your car develops problems as you head to work and it’s the only available means of transport. Whether you tell them you are down with flu, have menstrual cramps, stomach upsets, or any other illness, they are less likely to ask for more details. Moreover, in case they do, just come up with something and explain it to them.

School Event

If you work in an environment where everyone needs to be on their A-game, coming into work sick will do no one any good. If it’s an ongoing problem and you’re unsure when you’ll be back, you should meet with them to discuss options for a disability absence or other https://remotemode.net/ arrangement. If you call out of work, inform your manager before so he can arrange your alternative. Be precise while telling your boss the reason for not showing up. Your boss will surely understand this because it’s a general issue and can happen to anyone.

Having your car serviced regularly can minimize the risk of breakdowns, but unexpected issues can still arise. For example, if a close family member passes away, you’ll likely need to take time off for the funeral and to grieve. Most employers have policies in place for bereavement leave and will understand your need to take time off. It’s important to communicate openly with your employer about your situation and the time you’ll need off. For instance, if you wake up with a fever and body aches, you may have contracted the flu.

Follow Your Employer’s Policy

If you’re feeling ill, have a fever, or can’t keep your breakfast down, everyone will appreciate you staying home. Even if you work remotely, ask for the day off so you can rest. We all need unexpected time off work sometimes, whether an emergency comes up or you got a bad case of food poisoning. Every company is different, so there are a few ways to handle these situations. Some absences don’t fall into any of the above categories but can still be considered as acceptable reasons to miss days (or weeks) from work, depending upon the situation. It may be problems with water pipes, leaking toilets, or a gas leak.

  • However, if you habitually are late or absent because of transportation, your boss will likely start raising eyebrows and wonder if you’re being truthful.
  • It’s customary to ask for permission to miss work to attend/plan the funeral and grieve.
  • For example, suppose there’s a severe snowstorm forecasted for your area that’s expected to make roads unsafe.
  • Well let’s just say that you might want to find that new job sooner than you think.
  • In general, these excuses are quite common and could warrant your day a day off from work.

A family emergency is one of the most common reasons to miss work. Employers generally understand and respect this reason, whether it’s taking care of a sick family member or dealing with a sudden crisis. However, it’s essential to communicate the situation honestly and promptly. Despite your best efforts, there will be days when you have to miss work with little to no notice. Illnesses, accidents, or family emergencies are always legitimate reasons for missing work at the last minute.